Facturación Electrónica
The easiest way to issue CFDIs
Facturación Electrónica
The easiest way to issue CFDIs
Об интеграции Facturación Electrónica с Poster POS
The integration allows you to issue invoices to your customers and send sales data to the tax authorities. All you need to do is fill in a registration form and upload your digital certificates, we will take care of everything else.
Each receipt will have a special number and a link to the site where the client can get an invoice. Our provider always updates the system to remain in compliance with current norms. We keep all of your tax invoices for 5 years!
О приложении
- Category
- Website
- Phone
- E-mail
- Number of installations250+
Похожие приложения
Отчёт о прибылях и убытках
360 грн/мес за первое заведение и дополнительно 180 грн/мес за каждое следующее заведение
1000+ установок